Access the recording
of this engaging live session

with Molly Yurick


Put the FREE in "freelance subtitler"

Mitigate risk by shifting your mindset, diversifying your service offering, and creating a marketing plan

If you are a freelancer, it means just that: You are free to work with whomever you want on your own terms. But that also means you have to be prepared to deal with crises and mitigate risk on your own.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Molly’s tourism-focused translation business went from surging to flatlining in a matter of days. She took the opportunity to diversify her services and dive head first into a new specialization: subtitling. One year later, her first subtitled film debuted on Netflix.
Now, post-pandemic, her business is a bit more “crisis-proof” than it was before. She has a diversified business and efficient marketing plan that better protects her from the ups and downs of freelance life.
This webinar will guide you on how to change your mindset, diversify your business, and create a marketing plan so you can better mitigate risk for your freelance business.

In this webinar

Using her recent experience as a base, instructor Molly Yurick will:

  • Talk about changing your mindset: How to become a free freelance subtitler

  • Explain risk mitigation and why it’s especially important for freelancers working in the audiovisual language industry

  • Outline how you can diversify your business, including a list of specific ideas for how you can diversify and where you can find new clients

  • Teach you how to create and maintain a simple marketing plan


Molly Yurick is a Spanish to English English subtitler, translator, and consultant to aspiring subtitlers. Her subtitles can be seen on Netflix and she specializes in tourism and hospitality translation. She serves as deputy chair of ATA’s Public Relations (PR) Committee and is also a member ATRAE, the association of audiovisual translators in Spain.

Molly Yurick

Business skills webinar instructor

Upgrade your business skills

Mitigate risk for your freelance business

  • Change your mindset

  • Diversify your business

  • Create a marketing plan

Upgrade your freelance business skills!


Any questions?

  • How long does it take to complete the course?

    This is a recording of a webinar. It lasts for an hour.

  • Do I need any software?

    No, to complete this course you don't need access to any software.

  • Can I get an invoice for the course with my company/organization details?

    Sure! All you need to do is send us your organization details (name, address, VAT number) at [email protected]. Our accounting team will be back with the invoice.